Showing Tag: "stress" (Show all posts)

Acknowledging Our Human Tendencies

Posted by Margarita Navarrete-Hutchinson on Sunday, July 15, 2018, In : Mind and Body 
When it comes to reducing pressure on our nervous systems/vessels, WE are most instrumental.

Each individual has a basic reaction to ALL the things being taken in by our senses, whether biologically/socially programmed, or chosen.

The basic reaction is colored by the filters through which we perceive the data that our nervous systems are interpreting. 

Frustration is a human emotion that many of us (if not all of us -Allovus-) can admit to experiencing...sometimes daily...multiple times a day. 

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Perceiving Our Bodies as Spaceships

Posted by Margarita Navarrete-Hutchinson on Monday, January 22, 2018, In : Mind 
I self-published Your Body is a Spaceship, in 2014, which applies the Pressure Rainbow to emotional states, in addition to being a way of communicating physically perceived pressure. 

The analogy puts the conscious mind as the "navigator" and our bodies, being the vessels we inhabit, our "spaceships."

There is a finite amount of energy available to each vessel.

When a vessel is navigating through "safe" space, it's protective systems are not engaged--thus more resources are available to the immu...
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Sharing is Caring!

Margarita Navarrete-Hutchinson Sharing tools that assist us, as we figure out the "Humanning," help us on the journey of life, together. If my insights may be of service to others, I am grateful for the opportunity to share. May they serve you well.
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