Massage CE Classes

CE1989       MI3493

 LMTs EIM for Self-Care          6 CE Hrs

Elementally Intuitive Movement is functional movement training, inspired by Flow Arts. It supports:

  • proprioceptive awareness
  • breath awareness
  • balance/stability
  • core strength
  • cardiovascular fitness
  • neurological function
  • mindfulness/meditative practice

Rather than teaching you choreography or routines, I teach you how to intuitively move your body, improvising your way through the exploration of your sphere. 

Feeling confident in our vessels helps keep us mobile; the less sure we are of how we move (and how stable we physically feel), the more likely we are to guard/tense up as we move through space--and we know what that leads to. 

A daily movement practice that supports functional mobility also supports your psyche; the more we take care of ourselves, the more our bodies/minds appreciate the TLC we're providing we're effectively role-modeling for our clients.

The goals of this class:

  • Familiarize you with the 6 foundations of EIM: the Breath; the Base; the Core; the Spheres of Awareness; Adaptation; and Integration (of the 7 progressive levels of movement)
  • Guide you through the 7 Levels (O-5), focusing on the physiological and neurological benefits of each phase
  • Elaborate how the functional movements practiced in EIM support your working body mechanics
  • Provide you with a fun, intuitive practice; that gently supports your mobility and increases your self-awareness; that is kid-friendly and may be whole family oriented

In person classes are available for 4-8 MTs; with or without masks--we coordinate together, Wednesdays preferred.

Practicing EIM in a mask helps support practicing massage in a mask; through choosing to condition yourself to it.

$180/6 CE (4 MTs) or  

$130/6 CE (5-8 MTS; must register as a group for discount)

EIM is based on my 17+ years of Flow Arts practice; and the Biomechanics Specialist & Functional Training Specialist certifications, from NESTA, helped reinforce that I *indeed* created an effective functional movement program--that is fun, inspires creativity, and provides novelty (eustress training) as well as conditioning our bodies to better adapt to our changing environments. 

I'm pleased 2020 motivated me to educate myself more, so that I may better teach you; and the folks I am guiding through the Elementally Fun Ko-fi page. Intuitive Movement 101 is free for everyone, if you want to check it out!

The Therapeutic Hoopment Set Advanced Self-Care Training *     12 CE

Hoopment: Therapeutic Applications       6 CE Hrs

This class provides coursework regarding MT Self-Care and Business Development.

Applying mini-hoops as tools that assist with self- and client assessment; that serve as guides for circular movement: gently increasing range of motion and core stability; while warming tissues, encouraging synovial fluid production, and increasing circulation; and increasing mindfulness of both self & environment.

By the end of this class, you will know how to:

  • make your own hoops & determine what diameters best fit your clients' needs
  • use the hoops for self-care via tissue/joint maintenance; awareness of needed support; core strength/stability training, supporting effective table/chair body mechanics
  • use the hoops to assess your clients' ranges of motion, that day, to better tailor their sessions to their needs
  • use the "Pressure Rainbow" as a communication tool to facilitate expression/understanding of pressure perception
  • show your clients how to work with the hoops, from basic stretches to increasingly complex stages (5) that build upon each other
  • use the hoops as marketing tools for self-promotion, networking, and client appreciation

Hoopment for the Office                             6 CE Hrs

This class provides coursework regarding MT Self-Care and Business Development.

Similar to H:TA, but with the Corporate Chair MT in mind.

By the end of this class, you will know how to:

  • make your own hoops & determine what diameters best fit your clients' needs
  • use the hoops for self-care via tissue/joint maintenance; awareness of needed support; core strength/stability training, supporting effective chair body mechanics
  • use the hoops for quick assessment of client ROM, to more effectively target treatment
  • use the "Pressure Rainbow" as a communication tool to facilitate expression/understanding of pressure perception
  • show office workers how to stretch/practice with the hoops in a corporate environment, focusing on "small sphere" applications
  • guide up to 4 HR employees through the Hoopmaking process, so they can provide inexpensive tools for their co-workers to continue their Hoopment practice; and how to guide their co-workers through basic stretches
  • use the hoops as marketing tools for self-promotion, networking, and client appreciation
  • add "Hoopment at the Office" and "Hoopmaking for HR" to your service offerings

Hoopment: Teaching Essentials            6 CE Hrs

This class provides coursework regarding MT Self-Care and Business Development.

Teaching Essentials is an opportunity to explore & deepen our understanding of the 7 stages of Elementally Intuitive Movement, via Hoopment; and their applications for therapist/client self-care/support.

Either H:TA or HftO may serve as the pre-requisite* for H:TE.  Bring your hoop set, and plenty of water!

This is an active class; honor your body and acknowledge your limits--take breaks when needed and don't push your body beyond what feels comfortable.

By the end of this class you will:

  • gain a better understanding of how hoop diameter affects body mechanics, as well as variations of foot stances and effects on body mechanics, and more
  • gain deeper insight into how each level benefits your own and your client's body mechanics regarding many physical activities--from simple house chores, to work environment applications, to sports/fitness activities  
  • deepen your appreciation for the health benefits of stewardship and community volunteerism via sharing hoops & Hoopment: for mental/emotional wellness; to support our own Hoopment practice/body wellness; to grant us practice leading groups; and to facilitate indirect self-promotion

Group classes are provided at your preferred location.

There is a 4 student minimum requirement for local group classes;  8 student max.

If you are interested in CE classes please let me know and we'll make it happen! 

Discounts for scheduling early; pay in full,

or pay the remainder in person after securing the discounted rate with a  $75 non-refundable deposit:

Scheduled at least 4+ weeks in advance: $360/12CE

Less than 4 weeks in advance: $420/12CE

*ADVANCED TRAINING PRE-REQUISITE: MT's who want to progress with implement training (MYOhoop) must have additional certifications in either Functional Training or Biomechanics. I recommend both; one is enough to proceed to the class set.

I recommend NESTA's online course & certification program; either Biomechanics Specialist or Functional Training Specialist (both certs do not expire nor require recertification/ce hours for maintenance & they provide you with the core of information necessary to guide your clients effectively through this functional mobility self-care practice.)

They are affordable certifications that I recommend for any practicing body-worker; so you may better understand and support your body as well as that of your clients.

Part of self-care is providing client education and support; because when our clients do their part to take care of themselves, the easier it is to provide support to their bodies--work smarter, not harder.

To educate your clients well, you need to educate yourself.

When you pass on Hoopment to your clients, you put their wellness into their hands;

and help them take ownership of/responsibility for their bodies.

When we each do our parts to take care of ourselves, receiving support requires less effort from the giver--that's a gift, for both giver and receiver--a gift they give themselves, and to us, through self-care.

I am based in the Highland Lakes hill country region, Kingsland; willing to explore beyond Central Texas, and share space with eager MT's throughout the state.

All we need are 4-8 LMT's seeking CE, and a host space: build it, and I will come to you.

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