How Many Play-ces Might You Share the Hoopmentality?

Hoop + Movement = Hoopment

Mini hoops are excellent tools that help gently guide our bodies through a circular range of motion, and assist with mobilizing our wrists, elbows and shoulders, as well as help build core stability; balance; and dexterity. 

The gentle movements help stretch muscles, and increasing the slack, so that our tissues may more freely and gracefully. Slower movements engage more stabilizer muscles; especially when we add in balancing poses.

Hoopment can be done in a variety of spaces and places; working in a confined space encourages different movement than working in an open space, and it's fun to work within both parameters, because both have much to teach us regarding how our bodies can move, and how to more easily move within either space, and everywhere in between. 

Mini hoops are excellent fidget toys--they keep the hands/body occupied in an controlled manner, so that kinesthetic learners may better focus on external incoming data; while increasing their mobility, flexibility, & dexterity. 

Hoopment may also be a type of moving meditation. When we stop thinking about how to move the hoop(s) and allow the hoop(s) to move us, we enter a Flow state.

Their small size make mini hoops easily worn around the neck, so one or more may be take any where, and played with in any environment.

Even in the car:  they can make those long multi-cycle red lights seem like no time at all, while stillbeing present and observing what is happening currently at the intersection.

I especially enjoy Hoopment any time I have to wait somewhere.  I no longer experience impatience, as any available time is a gift, a moment for me to move my body while guided by my hoop(s); whether it be waiting in line at the grocery store, or waiting for my coffee order to be prepared, to waiting in line at a government office. 

There has not yet been a public space where I have been asked to refrain from playing with my hoop(s)--even in restaurants or confined environments! Why, to be quite honest, the Hoopment is greatly appreciated in most every place I go!

You can make your own; or I can make them for you. 

I hand-make your mini hoops and leave them bare for you to add your preferred decorative tape (or not).

Because it is a fairly intuitive type of movement, it doesn't require much guidance to get a hold on it.

It may be a little addictive, too!  But not to worry--Hoopment is an addiction that benefits our wellness.

Different sized hoops move us in different ways; and moving with multiple hoops of both the same and varied sizes changes the neurological and physiological dynamics of Hoopment practice.

It's fun to experiment and feel the different ways that different hoops guide our motion.

I recommend making your own: buy in bulk, and make enough to share with family, friends, and neighbors!

It also makes a great project to accomplish as a family.

Making hoops, and guiding others through levels O-2, could be considered a community service project; that supports your wellness, as you pass on the skill through demonstration--adding a few other dimensions (and opportunities for reflection) to your Hoopment practice. 

I can personally attest to the joy and validation one may derive from giving away hoops. When someone expresses delight in response to the hoop, and I have one on hand that I can give and feel compelled to do so, I give it.

When someone shares that they are recovering from a shoulder injury and can see how they could benefit with Hoopment, and express the desire to make one for themselves, I automatically give them a hoop, even if it's my last one.  I can always make myself another.  It's a sign for me: Recognition of the tool and the expression of the desire to practice self-care.

Mini hoops are excellent for kids of all ages, from 3 to 103! 

Giving away hoops brings me such great satisfaction.  

Should you choose to accept the challenge: Thank you for helping me support THE Hoopment, one hoop and one body at at time, through your own creativity and sharing.

Explore Movement Through Hoopment on your own, with the book!

The image below will take you to the free e-book.



is a visual communication system, that uses mini-hoop size and colors (the Pressure Rainbow) to express the need space/closeness and the emotional/nervous system pressure zone that is currently being experienced. 

This provides clear communication to their support providers, so they may provide better support; reducing potential friction within their interactions.

Hoopmunication helps to increase mindfulness and self-awareness for both the individual using it to communicates, and their support team: through practicing expressing one's current state, via the hoops; and through the support team practicing holding space, in the state that is needed, for the individual being supported. 

Hoopmunication may be helpful for capable non-verbal individuals on the Autism sprectrum; as well as for reducing friction between adolescent and parents.

It could be useful in a workplace environment; simplified so that hoop-size alone is the communicator: whether or not an individual is available to interact, or if they are focused on their work--even when they have stepped away from their desk, for a restroom or coffee break.

Hoopmunication may be helpful for hearing impaired people, to quickly communicate their emotional state and need for space, as well as to quickly recognize where others are at, even from behind--without facial contact or hand signs. 

We all need space sometimes; and at others, we need closeness.

Hoopmunication helps us become more aware of our emotional states, how our nervous systems are perceiving pressure, and where our bandwidth for human interaction is at--which all varies from day to day, even from hour to hour. 

Life is full of changes, and we change in response to both internal and external stimuli, as they happen.

Recognizing where we are, helps us to better communicate our needs both to ourselves, and to others. Knowing that we need space, and acknowledging that it's OKAY to both need it, and request it, is an important part of self-care.

It's also important to acknowledge when we want nurturing; there is medicine in safe, respectful, and loving human contact...and accepting that it is OKAY to need it, and request it--is also an important part of self-care. Just remember: not everyone is in a state where they feel they have the bandwidth to provide--and may say, "No," as they practice their own self-care.

Look for a small sized blue or green hoop. That person is expressing that theyspace in their sphere for sharing with others, and may be seeking connection, too.

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Enjoy the free e-books below; just click on the image. Please share with folks who might appreciate Hoopment or Hoopmunication.

Thank you!

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